Bloomberg: Tech Targeted on Antitrust, Liability After Facebook’s Trump Ban

Mike Matthys, co-founder of the Institute for a Better Internet—an education and advocacy group focused on free speech and due process—said the common carrier approach is a realistic option if tech companies can’t set their own clear regulations and enforcement actions, but noted that they have the tools do so.

“My preference is for tech companies to eliminate the motivation for people to regulate them by being very clear with their standards and very open about how they’re enforcing their standards so it’s not so easy for people to say, ‘You’re biased. You censored,’” said Matthys, who was previously an executive at tech companies in Silicon Valley.

“Today, when it’s opaque and unclear, it’s very easy for people to interpret these things as biased,” he said.

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Mike Matthys on AI

Join the conversation as we sit down with Mike Matthys, a Stanford alumnus and Silicon Valley expert, to tackle the ever-evolving challenge of protecting free

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